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Registration open Feb 1st-16th *team registration to follow after tryouts concluded and formed
Registration open Feb 15th-March 30th
Registration open March 2nd-28th
Community Programs - March 1st-30th
If interested in the Operations Director or Scheduling Director position, please fill out an application and email
Operations Director--see job description below
Scheduling Director--Provide schedule of facilities and baseball fields for all programs. Insure that field availability is divided fair and equitably between the North and South Programs. Works with district and city to acquire correct permits, field/facility space, etc.
Coupons Include $10 off cleats, 15% off an athletic/outdoor apparel item, and 10% off a single equipment item (click the picture to pull up the coupons.)
We have some potential dates set for 2025 Travel Baseball Tryouts; things may change and we don't know what ages will be on specific dates/times yet, but we have travel tryouts scheduled as follows:
Dundas Dome
Saturday, March 1st, 12-6pm
Saturday, March 8th, 12-6pm
The Cages
Monday, March 3rd, 5-9pm
Tuesday March 4th, 5-9pm
Wednesday, March 5th, 6-9pm
Thursday March 6th, 6-8pm
***THANK YOU to the families who volunteered with LBA for the 2024 season. All DIBs have been given and families have been invoiced. There will be some small changes for the 2025 season; watch your emails for more information.***
DIBS Information (2025)
All LBA families with a 3rd grade (9U) or above player participating in Community or Travel baseball needs to fulfill 3 hours of volunteering (DIBS) for Lakeville Baseball Association by the end of the summer season (late July/early August.) U15 players have to complete LBA requirements in addition to anything their school team/participation requires. (If a family has 2 athletes in LBA, only one 3-hour shift needs to be completed.)
Those not fulfilling their hours will be charged a $300 fee that needs to be paid before your athlete(s) will be able to register for anything for the next season. There is a one-time $250 opt out fee that can be paid during registration. DIBS sessions/shifts will be posted on LBA’s website and emailed to families that need to fulfill their requirements; the shifts are first come/first serve. There will be $25 no show fees and/or $25 late cancellation (within 72 hours of the shift’s start time) fees assessed. All shifts need to be completed by an adult over 18 years of age.
Dates of some of the available shifts were listed in the all LBA email sent out December 31st. (Field Opening, May 2-4, May 16-18, June 6-8, Gopher Classic-July, August Classic.) *Fall Ball concession shifts will not be available to fulfill a summer 2025 DIBS requirement.
Dates/Times are subject to change due to weather/other items out of LBA's control. If a shift needs to be cancelled by LBA, another shift will have to be completed.
Each 3rd grade or 9U and up team gets 3 coach DIBs spots. Coaching below 3rd grade does not count for DIBs hours.
Use the Webpage Navigation to get to the Dibs site to find opportunities that are available.